Category Archives: Articles

He Said My Name


(Based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John)




Have you heard? Have you heard what happened this morning?


IT’S AMAZING! And you may not believe me—just like the disciples don’t believe me right now; but I’m telling you, I know what I heard—I know what I saw—and I know what I know.


But wait—I’m getting ahead of myself—let me tell you the entire story.


My name is Mary—Mary from Magdala—the little fishing village at the bottom of Mt. Arbel over beside the Sea of Galilee.


These days most people call me Mary Magdalene; but just a few years ago, back before I met Jesus, people called me a lot of different names—not very nice names. They were afraid of me and said I was demon possessed; they were right—and my life was cold and dark.


Then I heard about a Miracle Worker called Jesus of Nazareth—how he was going from town to town—telling crippled people to get up and walk and telling blind people to open their eyes and see. The story was that one time he even woke up a dead boy—during his own funeral! Talk about excitement—people said you could hear that boy’s mother laughing and shouting for miles around.


But as for me, the most amazing part was how people said he knew everybody’s name—even if he’d never met them. They said he knew everything about them—even all the bad stuff they’d ever done, but he didn’t shame them and say that God hated them—instead he said that God loved them and wanted them to love him. That was so radical and different from what our teachers—the chief priests and Pharisees—had taught us about God.


Then one day I met Jesus—and he said MY name—he said “Mary”. I held my breath and stood very very still—and then, praise be to God, do you know what he did? He commanded seven demons to leave me! AND THEY DID! And then I could breathe again—I was alive on the inside—I didn’t feel dead anymore.


From then on, I followed him—I couldn’t NOT follow him; and I and all the rest saw him do some amazing things—one time he even let Peter walk on top of the Sea of Galilee!! Can you imagine? ON TOP OF THE WATER!


Jesus taught us so many things—lots of things we didn’t really understand; and our teachers, the chief priests and Pharisees, HATED the things he said. When he told them he was Messiah—the Son of God—they accused him of blasphemy.


Jesus never did anything bad to anybody, but they lied about him and beat and disrespected him. Then on Friday—The Day of Preparation before Passover—just the day before yesterday, I stood with His mother Mary. We watched them crucify him on a wooden cross—between two criminals—over on Golgatha’s hill. It was horrible and so very wrong—I can’t even begin to tell you—but perhaps you were there. Maybe you saw the sky turn black for three hours right in the middle of the day—maybe you felt that huge earthquake. If I hadn’t been so numb, I think I would have died from fright.


Then we heard Jesus cry out, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” And then he died—and I was so confused—how could our Messiah be dead? We waited and watched—finally one of the Roman soldiers came over and stabbed Jesus in His side with a spear—blood and water gushed out.


Later, Joseph from Arimathea (he was a secret disciple until then) and Nicodemus came and took Jesus’ body down from the cross. They wrapped it in strips of linen cloth along with a lot of spices that Nicodemus had brought. Then they carried Jesus away; we followed them—and watched them put his body in a new tomb over in the garden near Golgatha. Then Joseph rolled a great big stone up against the entrance of the tomb and closed it.


Exhausted, we went home and mixed spices and perfumes together to take back to the grave and finish anointing Jesus’ body for burial; but before we could finish, the Sabbath hour had arrived and it was too late. We honored God’s commandment and stayed home and rested yesterday. That was Saturday.


But today—this morning—Sunday morning, we got up before daylight and started walking back to the tomb carrying the spices. It was dark and chilly; and as we hurried along, we tried to figure out how we were going to get inside because of that big stone Joseph had rolled over the entrance. Then the strangest thing happened—the very ground beneath our feet started shaking—just like it did on Friday when Jesus died. It was scary, but also a good thing—because it must have rolled the stone away—the tomb was open!


Then we saw something very peculiar—soldier’s equipment scattered all around a dying campfire over on the side—it looked as though somebody had left in a big hurry. I saw a ribbon and a broken Roman seal just dangling there; it was, I tell you, most peculiar.


However, I didn’t pay much attention to that because all I could think was—someone has stolen our Lord’s body! I turned around and ran to find Peter and John so I could tell them what had happened. They got all excited and ran back with me—John got there first and looked inside the open tomb; but when Peter got there he went straight inside and then they both witnessed that what I’d said was true—Jesus’ body was gone!


We talked for a while; there was nothing we could do though so they finally left, but I just couldn’t. I stayed there outside the empty tomb and cried and cried. Finally I leaned down and looked inside for myself—and you may not believe me—but I saw two angels. Their clothes gleamed as white as snow and I had to squint my eyes because they looked as bright as lightning. They were sitting down—there on the stone slab where Joseph and Nicodemus had laid Jesus’ body—one angel at the head and the other at the foot. I’m not sure why, but I wasn’t even scared.


The angels asked me why I was crying and so I told them, ”they’ve taken my Lord away and I don’t know where they’ve put him.”


Then I turned around to see the sun coming up over the garden behind me and saw a man standing there—I figured he was probably the gardener—and maybe he knew something. Then he asked me why I was crying.


I said, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him.”


And do you know what He said?


He said my name—He said, “Mary.” And I knew His voice—it was Jesus; it was my Teacher and my Lord—it was my JESUS.


I ran over and grabbed Him—I wanted to hold on to Him forever so He’d never leave me again—but He said, “Don’t hold on to me for I’ve not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”


So I did—I went to the disciples and told them the news, ”I have seen the Lord!” and then I told them what He’d said to me.


And guess what? They didn’t believe me; but I know what I heard—and I know what I saw—and I know what I know. He is NOT dead—HE IS ALIVE—and He said my name!



Confessions of a Bible Scribbler


I’ve been writing in my Bible for several years now—highlighting phrases and sometimes talking out loud to God as I go; offering praise and laying out my requests. I sincerely want to absorb what he’s telling me through his word.

I have no magic bargaining chips or leverage power to use against the Creator of the universe; and our relationship is never enhanced when I’m impatient and demanding.

God, being himself, can show up whenever, however, and wherever he pleases and quite often surprises me; but when I go seeking him, I must approach him respectfully. Simply, I must acknowledge that he is God and I am not.

Lately I’ve been asking that God, the Father, give Jesus, the Son, all the names and faces that weigh on my heart; because Jesus said…

All that the Father gives me will come to me,

and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

John 6:37

What could possibly be any better than that?


I Don’t Want To Waste God’s Time


I don’t want to waste God’s time—or squander potential miracles—by praying ineffectively OR by praying ineffective prayers. The people whose names and faces I take with me as I enter the throne room of God are much too precious for that.


Maybe it’s just the particular pray-ers I’ve spoken with recently, but a number of them have told me they’ve been thinking the same thing: they want their prayers to count. Some said they’d been asking God to show them how to pray better and how to pray better prayers.


God doesn’t do things the same way every time…at least not in my life; so I figure it’s good for me not to repeat the same prayers until they become a rote-racing checklist.


I’ve read a lot of books about prayer and I’ve heard a lot of different people pray over the years; but it’s the praying experts who truly touch my heart—and I heard one of those just this week. She was praying quite loudly, effectively muffled by the walls between us, but easily heard just the same.


I’ve a little basket of small devotion books that Faith Cora likes to “read”; never mind the fact that she sometimes “reads” them upside down. Because it’s not a matter of what the eyes see, but more precisely and wisely what the heart knows; and from whom, and how recently, the pray-er was instructed.



The religious leaders of that day…


…asked Jesus,


“Do you hear what these children are saying?”


“Yes,” Jesus replied.


“Haven’t you ever read the Scriptures? For they say,


‘You have taught children and infants


to give you praise…’”

Matthew 21:16



Who taught them?





your majestic name fills the earth!


Your glory is higher than the heavens.


You have taught children and infants


To tell of your strength,


Silencing your enemies


And all who oppose you.

Psalm 8:1-2


He did. God did. God, himself, did.


When Faith rejoined her mommy and me, she asked if we’d heard her praying. Her mommy said yes and asked what she’d prayed about. Faith said she’d prayed for her baby brother and her Day who had a tummy ache. I told her that the Bible says that God likes to hear a little child’s prayer the very best of all.



…Jesus said,


“Let the children come to me.


Don’t stop them!


For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those


who are like these children.”

Matthew 19:14


I’m just hoping that I’m not too old to learn some more.



I Want To Be Gold




The 2016 primary voting in TX is over; so I will…


Pray God’s will for my country


Not be afraid


Recognize the power of quiet


Address what I believe is important


Not be compelled to provide an answer to every question asked


Not bite at bait (bait stinks to high heaven)


Keep my eyes on the prize of the high calling




Not react


Be quiet in God’s presence


Listen more than I talk



“Be still, and know that I am God!


I will be honored by every nation.


I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalm 46:10



He’s got it and he will.



“…he knows where I am going.


And when he tests me,


I will come out as pure as gold.

Job 23:10



And with his help, I will.


Let The Comets Blaze



I love words and am often so struck by a phrase that I’ll mull it over and over throughout the day. Thus far today, “comets are most visible against the black sky”— originating in Max Lucado’s blog post “Worried Enough To Pray”—is resonating in my head.


And circling around in there for the past two days:


The prophet Isaiah was speaking about John when he said,


“He is a voice shouting in the wilderness,


‘Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming!


Clear the road for him!’”

Matthew 3:3


I was part of a leadership group, of like professionals, for many years. One of our practices was to share an object, with the group, which had special significance to the sharer. Each member would verbalize an observation about the object; and we would then occasionally relate back to it as we presented a case study. It encouraged thinking outside the box in ways that often brought surprising illumination to the presented study.


My brain works in tangential ways; and my words, following my thoughts, often change directions mid-stream—making perfect sense to me, but sometimes disconcerting my listeners. It reminds me of watching a water bug skitter across the top of the pond—you never know its next direction. It’s also a great way for me to inadvertently start a rumor, if not very careful! 🙂


That said, I’m considering how Max’s phrase fits with Isaiah’s words—quoted by gospel writer Matthew to describe John the Baptist’s ministry.


The time distance between the Old and New Testaments was over 400 years—a very long time for God’s people to not hear from him directly; and a dark and quiet backdrop against which to emblazon a fiery shouting comet:


‘Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming!


Clear the road for him!’”


I jokingly say that I began teaching Sunday school before I was born—not really, but truly for a lot of years. It was tons of work and, in the way God blesses teachers, I learned way more than anyone who ever sat in my classes.


I learned over time to pray for my students and to ask the Lord’s Spirit to teach the lessons through me. One of my main objectives was that the Scriptures would become practical and applicable to our daily lives—and not just dressed up Sunday morning words.


It’s a practice I work to maintain; because of what use is God’s word to me personally, if I don’t allow him to change me through it?


So my takeaway, from the intersection of Max, Isaiah, John, and Matthew’s words, is to allow God’s truths to blaze through my life into whatever darkness surrounds me.


Amen and amen.


Last In Line


Every line where people wait—to cast a ballot, board a plane, order a coffee—has a first and last spot; and most of us are usually impatient to get to the front.


Life has a lot of lines—one study estimated the average person spends two years waiting in them—but some lines are more important than others. To wit, we’re all in line to die, but none of us really knows how close we are to the front.


A couple of weeks ago a friend and I exchanged Judge Scalia quotes:


“mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached.”


“God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools…and He has not been disappointed…If I have brought any message today, it is this: have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.”


I liked the second one better; and this was my response to my friend who sent the first:


This is the first season of my life where I’ve honestly been interested in politics and following world events. So I’m barely above ignorance concerning Mr. Scalia’s legal opinions; but when someone dies I do wonder if they knew Jesus personally because it’ll make the difference for eternity. And how God measures Mr. Scalia at the final judgment is all that matters now.


I know you love me 🙂 but I suspect you also think I’m a little nutty; and just to know…I’m not much bothered by the idea 🙂 so here goes…


The world is changing rapidly and becoming a much less hospitable place for Bible believers. God’s already spelled out what’s going to happen though and I have no fears…just truly see it as my next great adventure. Soon is a relative word, but I believe Jesus is coming soon to remove his followers. The Bible says it’ll happen in the twinkling of an eye.


I’m emailing an article* that talks about what happens on earth after the Christians are gone. I’ve no idea what you believe in your heart of hearts, but you do know I pray for you daily. I’m so thankful that God’s design is as it is…everybody is born a sinner…and nobody can earn salvation. It’s a free gift, but has to be deliberately accepted before the transaction is valid for the individual. I’m excited about where we are in time. Love you!


Paul teaches in Romans, Chapter 11, that the church age, in which we now live, is going to end after the last Gentile (non-Jew) comes to Christ. A most important line; so this morning, for the very first time, I prayed specifically for whoever’s holding that last spot.



It will happen in a moment,


in the blink of an eye,


when the last trumpet is blown.


For when the trumpet sounds,


those who have died will be raised to live forever.


And we who are living will also be transformed.

1 Corinthians 15:52



I’m Really Just An Amanuensis*


Heard some good words the other day, followed by some poignant ones; from the 10-year old boy in the backseat.


I’m really glad my dad plays with us. When we get off the school bus, if he’s there, he starts playing with us in the front yard. My friends on the bus say they wish their dads played with them, but they don’t; instead they just stay home all day and drink beer while their moms work.


Then later overheard some more words from the same boy.


…well, Mama Jan’s not boring.


(Really wish I’d caught the first part of that conversation…but I’m guessing that there must be some grownups out there somewhere who are really boring)


And then heard some sweet words from the 3-year old girl in the living room:


I really love my Day; he comes in my room and plays with me. He’s really not boring.


Dads and Days—your kids really are paying attention.




Direct your children onto the right path,


and when they are older,


they will not leave it.

Proverbs 22:6


…”If you will be kind to this people, please them,


and speak appropriately to them with kind words,


they’ll serve you forever.”

2 Chronicles 10:7


The LORD is like a father to his children,


tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Psalm 103:13



(Self-shadow photo by Faith Cora)

(* Amanuensis – one who writes from dictation)

Twinkle-twinkle Is Its Name


Faith Cora and I sat in bed with our books and drinks the other morning before the sun came up. I’d tried to be very quiet when I fixed my latte; but her yawning face and little pajama feet had padded into the kitchen soon after I’d begun. She mentioned on our way back to bed that she’d drink coffee too when she got older, but right now she just wanted her water cup.


Her book choices, scattered on the floor by the bed, were “Firebird”, “Bird Songs From Around the World”, “Violet the Pilot”, and “Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers”; mine was my NLT study bible.


As we sipped our drinks, I suggested we read “Firebird”; but she quickly vetoed that and said, “No, I want to read my prayer book” and scrambled down off the bed to get it.


So first we read from her book:


Good Morning, God.


Lord, every morning you hear my voice.


Every morning, I tell you what I need.


And I wait for your answer.

Psalm 5:3


Then we read, “If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it…He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.”


And then we read from my book:


Look up into the heavens.


Who created all the stars?


He brings them out like an army, one after another,


Calling each by its name.


Because of his great power and incomparable strength,


Not a single one is missing.

Isaiah 40:26


The sky was still dark so I suggested we go outside and see if we could find any of those stars God had created. We wrapped up in our snuggle-blanket and stepped out on the porch; I wasn’t a bit surprised when God took less than twenty seconds to send a north-directed shooting star blazing across the western sky.


The morning air was cold so we soon headed back inside to our warm blankets; and then talked about my verse one more time—zeroing in on the fact that God named each one of his stars.


After his original fireworks, we’d also seen a huge very bright star in the western sky. Some people might call it Venus, but Faith told me that she knew its name was Twinkle-twinkle little star;  I’m pretty sure God smiled at her confidence in him when she called the name of his star.


I Don’t Know Much About Forever


He will wipe every tear from their eyes,


and there will be no more death


or sorrow or crying or pain.


All these things are gone forever.”


Revelation 21:4



If I could fast forward time, this particular verse would be past tense; because it would have happened many moons and multiple yesterdays ago.


But “if’s” and “why’s” are mostly only good for circular questions and unsatisfactory reasoning; and I’d love to hear the strung-together-set-of-words that could completely satisfy either of them.


But that said, plus my inability to fast forward time, doesn’t take away one iota of joy when I contemplate the verse’s very literal future happening; and I’ve asked the Lord for a front row seat at his coming event.


It’s almost impossible to imagine a world that has no tears, no death, no sorrow, no crying, and no pain; and when God says the word “forever” it has indescribably more meaning than when you or I indiscriminately use it. We don’t know much about forever…not yet, anyway; but its day is coming. And some days, it can’t come soon enough for me.

Dec 2012 Israel 2 991

(Shepherd’s cave, Bethlehem, Israel)

I Don’t Have a Magic Formula (or maybe I do)


Years ago whenever I’d face a problem, I’d look up and say, “Okay, Lord, what are you teaching me here? What do you want me to learn from this”?


I quit asking those questions after Dan was killed; not because I thought there wasn’t anything more to learn, but because suddenly it was painfully and obviously clear just how many things there were to learn.


Married at age 22; for 33 years and 20 days; and then suddenly blindsided by sudden traumatic death. Widowed. HATED the word; wouldn’t even say it for a long time.


But miracle of miracles, I wasn’t angry. Working in mental health for a long time, I knew that anger was a normal emotion that could follow death; but I wasn’t. I was even a little bit bemused by its absence; but I’d periodically note to myself, and God, just how thankful I was to not be.


I actually think its absence improved my spiritual hearing and let me listen much more attentively to God’s quiet directions. It flat out amazed me how many times the right verse, piece of information, or person just ended up smack in front of me.


I don’t have a magic formula for not being angry, but I do think it probably had a whole lot to do with the way Dan and I lived our lives together. We sure weren’t perfect, but we also didn’t practice anger. Whenever something aggravating, unfair or anger provoking occurred, we’d always talk about it; and his ultimate response would be, “Well, even though they did…blah blah blah…we still have to do the right thing”.


It occurs to me now that we actually practiced the opposite of anger; and I’m so grateful for the leadership he provided in doing so. It produced very good results; and I’m still not angry.



Your own ears will hear him.


Right behind you a voice will say,


“This is the way you should go,”


whether to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21
