So I’m working to understand this verse better:
Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer
of a righteous man (or woman) availeth much.
(King James’ version of James 5:16—beautiful poetic language that I often have to ponder in order to internalize)
Other versions use these words:
Great power
Wonderful results
Can accomplish much
Very powerful
Continual prayer
Heartfelt supplication
Insistent prayer
Very strong
I positively don’t want to waste my time praying wimpy limp-along prayers that don’t accomplish much. So I’m striving to be a better pray-er. (perhaps that’s a key; maybe it’s not so much praying better prayers, as it is being a better pray-er)
I read in Matthew Henry’s commentary that one needs to be careful to actually pray in prayer. I paused for much thought there. Then caught myself this morning saying words while my focus was really on the pictures I was taking; and I’m pretty certain there’s no such thing as half-hearted effectual fervent prayer.
God doesn’t want me to treat his listening presence as if I can contain it on the back burner.
And there’s not a cookie cutter design for prayer because God says:
“When you pray,
don’t babble on and on
as people of other religions do.
They think their prayers are answered
merely by repeating their words again and again.
Matthew 6:7
However, God was so meticulous when he gave his OT worship instructions to Moses that I have to believe some conditions and methods are more effective than others.
I asked some friends what they think the verse means:
Without ceasing (3 repeats)
With an honest heart.
Takes a lot of intentionality to be constantly aware of God’s presence during prayer.
Pray with conviction.
Just pray!
Be consistent.
Sometimes pray with a broken heart.
Like you are on fire and you just want to burn hotter and you don’t want to stop or even have a slow down—if that makes sense.
Pray believing and often.
I even listened to one of Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.’s sermons on prayer:
Get clean
Be righteous & clean
Be faithful to pray
Expect answers
Expect God to do the impossible
My personal takeaway:
please teach me how
to be a pray-er
who prays fervent
effectual prayers
that avail much.