may those who love you
rise like the sun in all its power!”
Judges 5:31
…Serve the LORD alone.
But if you refuse to serve the LORD,
then choose today whom you will serve.
Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served
beyond the Euphrates?
Or will it be the gods of the Amorites
in whose land you now live?
But as for me and my family,
we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:14-15
Totally love this: my daughter-in-law very recently invited me to spend “100 days with Jesus”.
The blog author of www.thecottonhouse.com explains how she was inspired when she came across a page in her Bible listing over 250 names for Jesus; and shares how her view of Him completely changed as she started studying His names.
She began sharing her study yesterday, September 1, 2015, by posting the day’s Name, verse reference, definition and prayer. She invites each of us to join and follow daily through either Instagram (@100 Days with Jesus) or her blog.
Yesterday’s Name, ADVOCATE, resonated solidly within me.
Jesus Christ Himself, pleads my case with His Father, God Almighty…not because I deserve it in any shape, form or fashion, but simply because He loves me; and I chose to enter into a totally voluntary transactional relationship with Him.
Years ago, by virtue of age and relationship, I became my grandmother’s advocate. Her only child, my father, had died when I was a teenager. She enjoyed remarkable health, was an avid reader with a wonderful sense of humor, and lived independently until age 99. All of our lives, but hers the most, changed the day her hip broke; she fell and then ultimately lived her final two years in a nursing home.
One irritating and frustrating nursing-home-day, I told the charge nurse that I knew I was a pain to deal with, but if I were HER advocate, she’d be glad. She stopped short—then walked across Ma Mooney’s room and wrapped me in a huge bear hug.
It’s pretty simple really…I loved Ma Mooney and I advocated for her…albeit awkwardly and imperfectly. Jesus really really loves me and He advocates for me…not awkwardly and imperfectly…but with amazing saving Grace and perfection.
…we have an advocate
who pleads our case before the Father.
He is Jesus Christ,
the one who is truly righteous.
He himself is the sacrifice
that atones for our sins—
and not only our sins
but the sins of all the world.
1 John 2:1-2
Amen and amen.
And if God cares so wonderfully
for wildflowers that are here today
and thrown into the fire tomorrow,
he will certainly care for you.
Why do you have so little faith?
Matthew 6:30
Quiet porch thoughts while watching the very early morning sun brilliantly backlight jumbled strands of pink pearl clouds…
Why worry over tomorrow’s questions that have no available answers today?
I’ve no way of knowing what’s going to happen this afternoon…much less tomorrow or next week or month or year.
What you ought to say is,
“If the Lord wants us to,
we will live and do this or that.”
James 4:15
So, at those fork-in-the-thought-process moments, instead of racing down multiple “what if” paths…
How about…
Choosing to reframe the problem as a cleverly disguised, obstacle course and faith-building opportunity?
Look at the birds.
They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns,
for your heavenly Father feeds them.
And aren’t you far more valuable
to him than they are?
Can all your worries
add a single moment to your life?
Matthew 6:26-27
I love unexpected glimpses of God’s little criss-crosses of purpose running through the tapestry of my life. It always reminds me that He knows what He’s doing; and that all the stray threads dangling off the edge do have purpose and will eventually be woven back into the pattern.
Three years after Dan was killed, my sister-in-law and I took a hastily planned Fall Foliage tour trip to New England. The booking agent said the only reason we were able to be included was that someone else had cancelled.
An extended family that included a great-grandmother with two of her adult children and their spouses, from the Texas hill country, were some of our fellow travelers. Their laughter and teasing banter made it easy to see how much they enjoyed each other’s company. One of them, Debbie—a beautiful and outgoing blonde—was the quintessential Texas lady; her speech, like mine, peppered with multiple southern y’all’s.
The last morning of the trip, Debbie and I were alone in the hotel lobby for about 10 minutes while we waited for our airport shuttle. With tears in her eyes she told me how much she was missing her mom who had passed away; and I responded in kind, with a few sentences describing how hard it had been to lose Dan. We agreed that God was the only reason for hope, and foundation for survival, when your world unexpectedly turns upside down.
By the time we boarded the van, we’d texted pictures and exchanged email addresses; and I’d promised to add her to my Scripture on the go emails. The drive to the airport was filled with sharing family pictures and stories of kids and grandkids back home. Our paths criss-crossed in the airport a couple more times before we took separate planes back to different parts of Texas.
Back home the next day, my sister, Judy, called to say that she had a story to tell me. Seems a friend of hers, Shelly, had just called to add some new pieces to an older story.
Judy was one of the first people I called after I found out Dan had been killed; and she almost immediately headed to Nacogdoches from College Station. On her way, she called her good friend, Shelly, to ask her to begin praying for us.
Shelly now told Judy that, when she’d received Judy’s phone call for prayer three years ago, she’d been in the middle of a conversation with her daughter’s mother-in-law.
And, now three years later, her daughter’s mother-in-law had just returned from a fall foliage tour trip to New England. When Shelly asked about the trip, her daughter’s mother-in-law immediately began telling her about meeting a really nice lady, from Texas, whose pastor husband had been killed three years ago.
Shelly told my sister that, the more details she heard from her daughter’s mother-in-law, the more she realized she was hearing a story she’d already heard—three years ago when Judy called asking for prayer.
Shelly’s daughter is married to Debbie’s son.
Debbie and I arranged a phone conversation a couple of days later to talk about the amazing criss-cross that had occurred in our lives. Two Texas ladies—alone during the quietest 10 minutes of the entire New England touring trip—connected in those moments through our mutual faith in Jesus Christ.
But, unbeknownst to us in Cape Cod, we already shared a much longer and closer history; because, she told me during our Texas based phone call, she’d been praying for me for the past three years…ever since her son’s mother-in-law told her the story the first time.
We can make our plans,
but the LORD determines our steps.
Proverbs 16:9