My Word


Years ago Dan began a special service at McKnight Church that eventually evolved into a tradition we called Family Christmas Communion.


I vividly remember the first celebration. It was the last Sunday before Christmas; the church was dark except for soft December sunlight filtering through the stained windows and one single floodlight streaming down on the elements. The most interesting thing happened as the minutes progressed; big kids who normally sat at the very back of the church began silently migrating to join their parents.


Each family quietly took their turn gathering at the front of the church; sitting in chairs positioned around a table simply set with an earthen pitcher of juice and a napkin-wrapped long loaf of crusty bread.


Dan led each group through the partaking of the elements representing Jesus’ sacrifice for each of us; and, when finished, he gave each family a special “word”. Each family received a different word; then joined hands around the table while he prayed God’s blessing of their word, on their family, for the coming year.


It was an amazingly moving service. Louise, always able to articulate feelings so succinctly, told me later that she’d gone home and told Harold, “I could die this afternoon and be perfectly happy”. I suspected Harold wondered exactly what had transpired at church that morning, but he’d loved Louise for a long time so probably didn’t think a thing of it.


I miss that celebration service and receiving a special word; but know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that it was only a shadowy glimpse of heaven’s glorious on-going celebration.


My goal is to always notice and celebrate God’s little criss-crosses of events as I actively seek for joy. Last week Facebook had a survey item thing where you type in your name and then it gives you your word for 2016.


I wasn’t a bit surprised to see that mine was “joy”.



I pray that God, the source of hope,


will fill you completely with joy and peace


because you trust in him.


Then you will overflow with confident hope


through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13


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