Blessings of the Light That Can Never Be Extinguished

In the beginning the Word already existed.

The Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

He existed in the beginning with God.

God created everything through him,

and nothing was created except through him.

The Word gave life to everything that was created,

and his life brought light to everyone.

The light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness can never extinguish it.

John 1:1-5

(Aegean Sea sunset)

Blessings of Jesus’ Answers

But the other criminal protested,

“Don’t you fear God 

even when you have been sentenced to die?

We deserve to die for our crimes,

but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Then he said,

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”

And Jesus replied,

“I assure you,

today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:40-43

(Restaurant Orizontes on Lycabettus Hill, Athens, Greece)

Blessings of Waiting Confidently For Jesus To Return

“And there will be strange signs 

in the sun, moon, and stars.

And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil,

perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.

People will be terrified

at what they see coming upon the earth,

for the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

Then everyone will see the Son of Man

coming on a cloud with power and great glory.

So when all these things begin to happen,

stand and look up,

for your salvation is near!”

Luke 21:25-28

(The Acropolis, Athens, Greece)

Blessings of Understanding What Jesus Is Saying

One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus

so he could touch and bless them.

But when the disciples saw this,

they scolded the parents for bothering him.

Then Jesus called for the children

and said to the disciples,

“Let the children come to me.

Don’t stop them!

for the Kingdom of God belongs to those

who are like these children.

I tell you the truth,

anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God

like a child

will never enter it.”

Luke 18:15-17

(Sunrise over the Aegean Sea)

Along the way