Then the LORD God
called to the man,
“Where are you?”
Genesis 3:9
I love, love, love books and years ago wouldn’t have dreamed of writing on their pages; these days I should probably just go ahead and buy stock in the yellow gel highlighter company.
I’ve practically drowned my copy of Yawning at Tigers by Drew Dyke; its pages are dripping yellow and it might possibly glow in the dark.
The first chapter’s thoughts pause me and cause me wonder: What would it take to cultivate a daily awareness of the otherness of God? How would my life be different if I did? How would I pray differently? And, more importantly, how might God answer my prayers differently?
These thoughts are found in just the first 11 pages:
“…we have heard reports of a foreign entity in our midst…however, we often fail to appreciate the gravity of what that presence means.”
“he is called ‘a consuming fire,’ ‘Judge of all the earth,’ and the ‘Lord of hosts’—a title that portrays God poised for battle, at the head of a heavenly army.”
“God is not human, that he should…”
“God is radically different from us, in degree and kind…wholly other, dangerous, alien, holy, and wild.”
“But for the most part we neither tremble in fear nor thrill with excitement at the prospect of encountering this wild deity.”
“We give mere mental assent to truths that should leave us shaking.”
“…we’ve succeeded in making the strange ordinary.”
“We’ve forgotten how big God is.”
“…his holiness is dangerous, even deadly.”
“The good news is that this dangerous God turns out to be a lover. And he’s not content to love us from a distance.”
“He’s the Intimate Stranger, and we are the objects of his fierce affection.”
“The Holy of Holies beckons, and we’re free to enter. Just remember to tread lightly…he’s still the same God.”
…“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God,
the Almighty—
the one who always was,
who is,
and who is still to come.”
Revelation 4:8
There’s such an infinitesimal space between (1) continually and prayerfully holding someone in God’s presence, and (2) beating them over the head with my attitude, Bible, and words.
I grimaced when I reread what I wrote—but only because it’s so true.
(1) is an amazing gift of grace; both for me and the one I hold to the Lord.
And (2) is an amazing aggravation; both for me and to the unfortunate one I’ve targeted.
“Healthy people don’t need a doctor—
sick people do.”
Then he added,
“Now go and learn the meaning
of this Scripture:
‘I want you to show mercy,
not offer sacrifices.’
For I have come to call
not those who think they are righteous,
but those who know they are sinners.”
Matthew 9:12-13
I’d have to work hard to misinterpret Jesus’ words; so here’s my personal take-away:
Be merciful.
Attitude trumps action.
Don’t be self-righteous.
Acknowledge I’m a sinner in need of a Savior.