Category Archives: Blessings

Blessings of Miraculous Signs


…For he is the living God,

and he will endure forever.

His kingdom will never be destroyed,

and his rule will never end.

He rescues and saves his people;

he performs miraculous signs and wonders

in the heavens and on earth.

He has rescued Daniel

from the power of the lions.”

Daniel 6:26-27



Blessings of Order


His rule is everlasting,

and his kingdom is eternal.

All the people of the earth

are nothing compared to him.

He does as he pleases

among the angels of heaven

and among the people of the earth.

No one can stop him or say to him,

‘What do you mean by doing these things?’

“…All his acts are just and true,

and he is able to humble the proud.”

Daniel 4: 34-35; 37

(sunrise over the hills of Jordan)

Dec 2012 Israel 1 578

Blessings of Glory


All around him was a glowing halo,

like a rainbow shining in the clouds on a rainy day.

This is what the glory of the LORD looked like to me.

When I saw it, I fell face down on the ground,

and I heard someone’s voice speaking to me.

Ezekiel 1:28

J&J wedding pics July 2009 91