All posts by janrhodes

The Most Important Question

I love good questions…those that make me think, ponder and sometimes undo and rearrange what I thought I already knew. My husband once told me that the two most important life questions are: one, what do you do with Jesus? And two, whom do you marry?

Reading a verse of Scripture from different translations is a wonderful way to experience the richness and fullness of its meaning. I love the Aramaic Bible in Plain English poetic rendition of Jesus’ question in Mark 8:29:

And Yeshua said to them,
     “But what is it you are saying about me as to who I am?”
Shimeon answered and he said to him,
     “You are The Messiah, The Son of THE LIVING GOD.”

I say YES to serving THE LIVING GOD!


Random Absurdity

I’ve nearly always loved life’s random absurdities (they usually make me laugh) along with good questions and ideas that jangle my thinking. The Scriptures are filled with them…and one of my current favorites is knowing that…

Rahab, a prostitute who lived in the city wall of old Jericho, is an ancestor of my Lord Jesus Christ.

It amazes me. God knew her heart and, obviously, her failures…just like he knows mine. And he loved her…and me…and you. In spite of all that we are, and all that we aren’t, he still loves us. I rejoice knowing there’s nothing I can do to make God love me any less or make him love me any more. He’s constant.

(my bees arrived unannounced)
