All posts by janrhodes

I’m Really Just An Amanuensis*


Heard some good words the other day, followed by some poignant ones; from the 10-year old boy in the backseat.


I’m really glad my dad plays with us. When we get off the school bus, if he’s there, he starts playing with us in the front yard. My friends on the bus say they wish their dads played with them, but they don’t; instead they just stay home all day and drink beer while their moms work.


Then later overheard some more words from the same boy.


…well, Mama Jan’s not boring.


(Really wish I’d caught the first part of that conversation…but I’m guessing that there must be some grownups out there somewhere who are really boring)


And then heard some sweet words from the 3-year old girl in the living room:


I really love my Day; he comes in my room and plays with me. He’s really not boring.


Dads and Days—your kids really are paying attention.




Direct your children onto the right path,


and when they are older,


they will not leave it.

Proverbs 22:6


…”If you will be kind to this people, please them,


and speak appropriately to them with kind words,


they’ll serve you forever.”

2 Chronicles 10:7


The LORD is like a father to his children,


tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Psalm 103:13



(Self-shadow photo by Faith Cora)

(* Amanuensis – one who writes from dictation)