All posts by janrhodes

Blessings of David’s Descendant


…God will establish one of David’s descendants as king.

He will rule with mercy and truth.

He will always do what is just

and be eager to do what is right.


And because Joseph was a descendant of King David,

he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David’s ancient home.

He traveled there from the village of Nazareth in Galilee.

He took with him Mary, his fiancee,

who was now obviously pregnant.

Isaiah 16:5; Luke 2:4-5



Surprise on the POLAR EXPRESS


Last month I made reservations for 11 of us to take an afternoon journey on the Texas State Railroad POLAR EXPRESS. Beguiling descriptions of Christmas cookies, mugs of hot chocolate, and silver bells personally handed out by Santa Claus made me smile.


Probably because of our group size, we were seated in our own private, turn of the century wood and brass train car—complete with white cloth-covered tables. Garlands and stockings, emblazoned with BELIEVE in glittered letters, draped the full windows overlooking the snow-less East Texas woods.


Our personal car attendant, Donna, was a beautiful joy-filled lady; she sang along with the Christmas carols, and danced up and down the aisle, while she served us. Rylan, age 2, eventually joined her; and much to our delight, clapped, sang and danced right along beside her.


Sometimes I love God’s surprises. Near the end of our ride, Donna asked my great-nephews where we were from; and I told her that my son-in-law is the school superintendent at one of our county schools. She asked if we knew some kids from his school and we did; she told us that she worked with their mom. I then told her that their mom had been in the Sunday school class I taught for years and years; and that my husband had been the pastor of the church for 20 years—until he was killed four years ago.


Donna stopped and said, “Oh…you’re the one with the Scriptures…” and her eyes filled with tears. I knew exactly what she meant because my former Sunday school student has told me several times that she forwards my Scripture on the go emails to everyone on her distribution list.


I looked at Donna and said, “I bet you prayed for me”. And she said she had.


So first we laughed; and then we hugged and cried. A while back I’d written that, even though I knew hundreds of people had prayed for me following Dan’s death, there wasn’t any way I could know exactly who they were until eternity. Well, yesterday God allowed me just a tiny glimpse of the surprises he has waiting there for me.


…”No eye has seen,


no ear has heard,


and no mind has imagined


what God has prepared


for those who love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9


My Favorite Trade


“One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp came into my hands at exactly the right time. Wanting joy restored to my life and willing to deliberately seek, but not exactly sure how or where to find; I think my friend, Mary, listened to the Spirit’s prompting and mailed me the book.


For the past several weeks I’ve been practicing its core premise of eucharisteo—to be grateful; feel thankful; and give thanks—as the door for joy to reenter. I’ve followed the author’s example and begun a list of 1000 things I love. Her list’s #1 item was a perfect example of inspiration: morning shadows across the old floors.


First on my list was: sound of crows in early morning quiet. I smiled when I wrote that down in my “1000 Gifts” journal and I’m smiling as I type it now. It’s fun to consciously look for things I love; but it’s even more fun to feel the joy surge when I write them down.


My #10: warm clean clothes fresh out of the dryer. I’ve always liked to hug their warmth, but I’d never written it down until now. I’m smiling again.


#24: being awakened in the night by waves of aroma from the baking Thanksgiving ham.


#34: sowing wildflower seeds in the fall.


#59: brightly colored scarves.


#68: listening to the wind before a storm


#98: the smell of cornbread baking in my old iron skillet


#141: the tiny sound that dry leaves make when they fall


#157: thick red clover in the pasture


What a wonderful trade—I give him thanks and he gives me joy.



Enter his gates with thanksgiving;


go into his courts with praise.


Give thanks to him and praise his name.


Psalm 100:4


Blessings of the Prophets


…Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?”

“In Bethlehem in Judea,” they said,
“for this is what the prophet wrote:

‘And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah,
are not least among the ruling cities of Judah,
for a ruler will come from you
who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.’”

Matthew 2:4-6
