All posts by janrhodes

The Bulbs! The Bulbs!


If you’re old enough, you might remember a TV program called “Fantasy Island”; an hour-long show that usually unfolded three different story lines per episode. At the beginning of each, the Overseer’s assistant would announce the new guest’s arrival by ringing the tower bell and shouting, “Ze Plane! Ze Plane! Boss! Ze Plane!”


That’s exactly how I felt New Year’s Day when I realized my new bulbs had broken ground. The bulbs! The bulbs! The bulbs are coming up!


Once Christmas is over and New Year’s has passed, I’m always ready for spring; and it was my good fortune to be in Lowe’s in early December when they discounted the bulbs 75%, so I cleaned them out. I can hardly wait to see the cheerful explosions of yellow and white daffodils, narcissus, and tiny little vivid irises.


They’re exactly the right kind of flowers for me because once planted, they bloom; and then they stay in the ground and mind their own business till next year. My grandmother was a very talented gardener, but I didn’t come anywhere near inheriting her green genes. When our church youth group would distribute beautiful hanging baskets of color every Mother’s Day, I always figured my basket was thinking, “Please don’t give me to her; she’s going to kill me!” and sure enough, I eventually would.


I’d probably benefit from some gardening tutorials, but I’d honestly rather plant with words, thoughts and deeds anyway; and I do regularly discuss my planting projects with the Master Gardener…



Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden


in the east


and there he placed the man he had made.


Genesis 2:8



…and I love love love to watch his work…



…Each of us did the work the Lord gave us.


I planted the seed in your hearts,


and Apollos watered it,


but it was God who made it grow.


It’s not important who does the planting,


or who does the watering.


What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.

1 Corinthians 3: 5-7



There’s an old abandoned homestead piece of land that I love driving past in the spring. It has thick bushy rows of blooming yellow daffodils and white narcissus; clearly proclaiming that this once was a loved property where things were planted and, even though the house is long gone, continues to produce a harvest of beauty. I hope that someday the same can be said about my life.


Stamps From 2005 – Part 2



The waiting line in our local post office forms beside a waist-high divider—a resting place for packages and also a stamp display case. The stamps range from a festive “Happy Birthday” to floral hearts to large reptiles and dinosaurs. One day I overheard a conversation in line behind me. Two young children, in care of their grandmother, were entertaining themselves talking about the stamps positioned at nose level.


Their exchange went something like this: “Nana, can we buy Happy Birthday stamps?”…“No, I wouldn’t want to wish the electric company ‘Happy Birthday.’”…“Nana, can we buy the heart stamps?”…“No, I wouldn’t want to put ‘I love you on my bills.”…“Nana, what about the dinosaurs?”…“No, I don’t want those. I just want plain old stamps.”


By the time we reached the end of the display, they were no longer bothering to even ask; and I was thinking, “Good grief, Woman!! WHY NOT buy the ones they want?”


When I got to the window, I told the clerk to give me the brightest wildest stamps he had. Plain stamps are fine and surely do their job, but what’s wrong with choosing the ones that bring a smile to your face and spirit?


The first time I heard Mercy Me’s “I Can Only Imagine”, it brought goose bumps; and I stood still and savored, “Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?…I can only imagine! I can only imagine!”


So, what are your dreams; and what will your epithet say? Will it say you put off doing what would have caused your heart to soar because it wasn’t on your schedule; or that you were too rigid to detour from your routine?


In Deuteronomy 30:19 Moses challenged his people:


“This day I call heaven and earth


as witnesses against you


that I have set before you life and death,


blessings and curses.


Now choose life,


so that you and your children may live


and that you may love the Lord your God,


listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.


For the Lord is your life….”


Which stamps will you buy?



Stamps From 2005 – Part 1


(I wrote this way back in 2005; and it still fits.)


When was the last time you caught your breath as your spirit soared and danced before God?


Several Augusts ago I had opportunity to hike to a mountaintop in Vail, CO. Rotating 360 degrees revealed a surround of mountain peaks. The air was clear and the sun warm in a cool breeze. Raising my eyes from the wildflowers stretching far down the grassy slope at my feet to the majestic mountains in the distance, my heart soared before the Lord.


“I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing,” words of Rabbi Hillel who lived in Jerusalem during the days of King Herod. King David danced before the Lord in II Samuel; and the Psalms teach that God turns our mourning into dancing and we are to praise Him with dancing. We may not get to choose how we die; but we do get to choose if we dance before we die.


Do you ever say, “I’ll be happy when…” or “someday when things settle, I’ll…” or “one of these days, I’m going to…”? If life could be boxed, tied neatly with string and placed on a shelf, then maybe we would be happy; but the reality is that life passes quickly and we, with it, are constantly changing. There are very few logical natural stopping places.


The older I grow, the more I become aware that time is accelerating. As of last Thursday, we no longer have a teenager in our family. Our youngest child turned 20 and I’m struck by the realization that a significant page in our book of parenting has turned. How strange that we don’t really know what we’re losing until one day it’s gone.


The most important things in life have to do with relationships—not possessions or accomplishments. So I wonder why is it that the things of greatest value get put off until some imaginary someday? Truth is, we’re all running low on “some days”; and if we plan to chase our dreams, we’d better get going.


An old Irish proverb says, “Dance as if no one were watching, sing as if no one were listening and live every day as if it were your last.”


To be continued…


My Word


Years ago Dan began a special service at McKnight Church that eventually evolved into a tradition we called Family Christmas Communion.


I vividly remember the first celebration. It was the last Sunday before Christmas; the church was dark except for soft December sunlight filtering through the stained windows and one single floodlight streaming down on the elements. The most interesting thing happened as the minutes progressed; big kids who normally sat at the very back of the church began silently migrating to join their parents.


Each family quietly took their turn gathering at the front of the church; sitting in chairs positioned around a table simply set with an earthen pitcher of juice and a napkin-wrapped long loaf of crusty bread.


Dan led each group through the partaking of the elements representing Jesus’ sacrifice for each of us; and, when finished, he gave each family a special “word”. Each family received a different word; then joined hands around the table while he prayed God’s blessing of their word, on their family, for the coming year.


It was an amazingly moving service. Louise, always able to articulate feelings so succinctly, told me later that she’d gone home and told Harold, “I could die this afternoon and be perfectly happy”. I suspected Harold wondered exactly what had transpired at church that morning, but he’d loved Louise for a long time so probably didn’t think a thing of it.


I miss that celebration service and receiving a special word; but know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that it was only a shadowy glimpse of heaven’s glorious on-going celebration.


My goal is to always notice and celebrate God’s little criss-crosses of events as I actively seek for joy. Last week Facebook had a survey item thing where you type in your name and then it gives you your word for 2016.


I wasn’t a bit surprised to see that mine was “joy”.



I pray that God, the source of hope,


will fill you completely with joy and peace


because you trust in him.


Then you will overflow with confident hope


through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13


The New Year and Chair Leaf


Faith Cora came to visit yesterday morning; she snacked on Veggie Straws & wild-colored goldfish while we sat at the kitchen table and talked.


I told her that it was the last day of the year 2015 and that tomorrow would be the first day of the New Year 2016. She nodded, munched, and listened. I told her that, at the end of every old year, Papa Dan and I would sit down and talk about what we wanted to do during the next year.


She nodded and kept on munching; then I asked her what she thought she might want to do in the New Year. She considered for a moment and said, “I will want to play”. I said I thought that was a good idea and asked if she could think of anything else she might want to do.


She pondered for a while and said, “Well, I will want to eat because I will probably be hungry”. I agreed that that too was a very good thing.


Evidently Faith Cora and I think alike because those are two things that I really want to do in the New Year also; and I’m thinking we can probably do them together sometimes.


After we’d exhausted our New Year’s conversation, we moved on to other topics. She’s still firmly settled on “Chair Leaf” as the right name for her February arriving brother; but I inquired if she, Mommy & Day had even talked about any other names for him. She gazed out the kitchen window for a long minute, then turned back, fixed her eyes on me, and said, “Well, I haven’t thought of any nicknames yet”.


Well, all-righty then; Chair Leaf it is.


A good name is more desirable than great wealth.


Respect is better than silver or gold.

Proverbs 22:1
