All posts by janrhodes

Blessings of the Ocean Holder


Who else has held the oceans in his hand?

Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?

Who else knows the weight of the earth

or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?

Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD?

Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?

Has the LORD ever needed anyone’s advice?…

Isaiah 40:12-14

J&J wedding pics July 2009 277


I Don’t Know Much About Forever


He will wipe every tear from their eyes,


and there will be no more death


or sorrow or crying or pain.


All these things are gone forever.”


Revelation 21:4



If I could fast forward time, this particular verse would be past tense; because it would have happened many moons and multiple yesterdays ago.


But “if’s” and “why’s” are mostly only good for circular questions and unsatisfactory reasoning; and I’d love to hear the strung-together-set-of-words that could completely satisfy either of them.


But that said, plus my inability to fast forward time, doesn’t take away one iota of joy when I contemplate the verse’s very literal future happening; and I’ve asked the Lord for a front row seat at his coming event.


It’s almost impossible to imagine a world that has no tears, no death, no sorrow, no crying, and no pain; and when God says the word “forever” it has indescribably more meaning than when you or I indiscriminately use it. We don’t know much about forever…not yet, anyway; but its day is coming. And some days, it can’t come soon enough for me.

Dec 2012 Israel 2 991

(Shepherd’s cave, Bethlehem, Israel)

I Don’t Have a Magic Formula (or maybe I do)


Years ago whenever I’d face a problem, I’d look up and say, “Okay, Lord, what are you teaching me here? What do you want me to learn from this”?


I quit asking those questions after Dan was killed; not because I thought there wasn’t anything more to learn, but because suddenly it was painfully and obviously clear just how many things there were to learn.


Married at age 22; for 33 years and 20 days; and then suddenly blindsided by sudden traumatic death. Widowed. HATED the word; wouldn’t even say it for a long time.


But miracle of miracles, I wasn’t angry. Working in mental health for a long time, I knew that anger was a normal emotion that could follow death; but I wasn’t. I was even a little bit bemused by its absence; but I’d periodically note to myself, and God, just how thankful I was to not be.


I actually think its absence improved my spiritual hearing and let me listen much more attentively to God’s quiet directions. It flat out amazed me how many times the right verse, piece of information, or person just ended up smack in front of me.


I don’t have a magic formula for not being angry, but I do think it probably had a whole lot to do with the way Dan and I lived our lives together. We sure weren’t perfect, but we also didn’t practice anger. Whenever something aggravating, unfair or anger provoking occurred, we’d always talk about it; and his ultimate response would be, “Well, even though they did…blah blah blah…we still have to do the right thing”.


It occurs to me now that we actually practiced the opposite of anger; and I’m so grateful for the leadership he provided in doing so. It produced very good results; and I’m still not angry.



Your own ears will hear him.


Right behind you a voice will say,


“This is the way you should go,”


whether to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21
