All posts by janrhodes

Blessings of Opened Eyes


Then Jesus uttered another loud cry

and breathed his last.

And the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple

was torn in two, from top to bottom.

When the Roman officer who stood facing him

saw how he had died, he exclaimed,

“This man truly was the Son of God!”

Mark 15:37-39



Finding Joy In Failure



Have you ever come across a powerfully constructed learning propeller and wished you’d learned it years ago? I did the other day when I saw Sara Blakely, founder and CEO of Spanx, talk about childhood dinnertimes with her dad.


I was so excited I called my son-in-law to tell him about the video; and then showed it to my daughter the next day. We’re always excited to watch Faith Cora learn because she has a real knack for taking a concept and generalizing it to new areas. And lately her physical antics have brought such squeals of appreciation from Abram, that I expect he’ll soon be racing to follow her footsteps.


Ms. Blakely explained how her dad taught her to define failure as “not trying” instead of “the outcome of trying” by asking at the dinner table what she’d failed at that week. She said he was actually disappointed if she didn’t have a failure to report; but when she did, he celebrated it and anchored the joy of trying with congratulations and high-fives.


I absolutely love that he was able to separate her efforts from the results. What an amazing way to teach the joy of trying new things without the fear of failure.


Another thing he taught her was, that if things hadn’t turned out the way she wanted or perhaps she was embarrassed about a situation, write down the hidden gift that came in the experience; then identify what she got out of it. Ms. Blakely said she began to realize that every experience always had an amazing nugget she wouldn’t have wanted to pass up.


What a wonderful gift to give your children.



And we know


that God causes everything


to work together


for the good of those who love God


and are called according to his purpose for them.

Romans 8:28


Blessings of Keeping Watch


You, too, must keep watch!

For you don’t know

when the master of the household will return—

in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak.

Don’t let him find you sleeping

when he arrives without warning.

I say to you what I say to everyone:

Watch for him!”

Mark 13:35-37




I Love My Country


I love my country, but I’ve never liked politics; and this is my first political season to be so attentive. But after taking in multitudinous debates, interviews, shows, and articles, I finally reached attitude overload and gave myself a timeout.


I’ve since waded back in and am again paying attention.


A few weeks ago someone posted a political news story and then, instead of addressing the issue, slammed the politician’s intelligence. It felt yucky and reminded me of one reason why I dislike politics. I’d much prefer to hear an honest opinion about the policy or character flaw than hear a cheap shot about the person.


Interesting how God’s word has answers to problems like these. He tells me I’m supposed to pray for those in authority; but if I lump the person, their policies and character issues all together, it creates a prayer problem for me. It’s hard to pray for someone if I can only see the things I don’t like— be that policies or character issues.


So I’m trying to maintain clear mental distinctions between the political issues, the politicians, and their character flaws. (And it helps considerably when I remind myself that I have character flaws too.)


He said it so I’m trying to do it:



I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.


Ask God to help them;


intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.


Pray this way for kings


and all who are in authority


so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives


marked by godliness and dignity.


This is good and pleases God our Savior,


1 Timothy 2:1-3




(on-line photo)

Just Walk To Me


I was the Sunday morning speaker yesterday—in the pulpit Dan filled for over 20 years. I thought about him maybe peeking down and chuckling at the sight. He would know, better than most, that public speaking isn’t very high on my “most comfortable things to do” list. But I know the pride he would have felt for me and can almost hear him saying, “Honeybun—I am SO proud of you”.


I deliberately sat on the far right front pew where he used to sit; and Bryson, our great-nephew, sat beside me—just like he used to sit beside Dan.


I didn’t want my speaking to be a sad teary event and had asked a few friends to pray to that effect. Sitting there and listening to the songs, I smiled and thought a bit about how far I’ve come in these last almost five years that have passed; and how thankful I am for all the prayers the people there have prayed for me.


Different memories flitted through my thoughts as I waited for my time in the service; and I prayed a prayer from a Rich Mullins’ song I’d not thought of in a long time:



So hold me Jesus, ’cause I’m shaking like a leaf


You have been King of my glory


(Now) Won’t You be my Prince of Peace



For years and years, anytime I felt scared in a situation, I’d pray those words—they always worked to calm my fears back then—and they worked yesterday too.


My prepared words were about being BOLD in sharing my faith and Jesus; and about how much I liked the prayer concept of reversing the thunder. I’d included a funny story about Faith Cora and “Chair Leaf” Abe and pointed out that if I want people to listen to the message I share, I have to speak it in love.


There comes a point in preparation for me when it’s time to quit thinking about what I’m going to say and just let it flow.


So I listened to the words of the songs and focused on the overhead screen pictures behind the printed lyrics. Nothing was specifically sung that prompted the words that I then heard repeated three times very clearly in my spirit…



Just come to me on the water…


walk to me on the water…


just come walk to me.



Yes Lord.



Blessings of Choosing Him First


…the sun will be darkened

the moon will give no light,

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

Then everyone will see

the Son of Man coming on the clouds

with great power and glory.

And he will send out his angels

to gather his chosen ones from all over the world—

from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.

Mark 13:24-27
