All posts by janrhodes

Blessings of Radiance


“Your eye is a lamp

that provides light for your body.

When your eye is good,

your whole body is filled with light.

But when it is bad,

your body is filled with darkness.

Make sure that the light you think you have

is not actually darkness.

If you are filled with light,

with no dark corners,

then your whole life will be radiant,

as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”

Luke 11:34-36



Blessings of Being Persistent


“And so I tell you,

keep on asking,

and you will receive what you ask for.

Keep on seeking,

and you will find.

Keep on knocking,

and the door will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks,


Everyone who seeks,


And to everyone who knocks,

the door will be opened.

Luke 11:9-10

(Picture credit: Jessie Rhodes)

Open door

Blessings of Welcoming Jesus


…all the people in the region of the Gerasenes

begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone,

for a great wave of fear swept over them.

So Jesus returned to the boat and left,

crossing back to the other side of the lake.

On the other side of the lake

the crowd welcomed Jesus,

because they had been waiting for him.

Luke 8:37,40


(Photo credit: Joshua Rhodes)
