All posts by janrhodes
Blessings of a Non-anxious Heart
Blessings of Choosing to Praise
The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison
to give praise and thanks to the LORD.
Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments,
the singers raised their voice in praise to the LORD and sang:
“He is good; his love endures forever.”
Then the temple of the LORD was filled with the cloud…
Blessings of Clear Choice
Blessings of His Words
…commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine.
Teach them to your children.
Talk about them when you are at home
and when you are on the road,
when you are going to bed
and when you are getting up.
Blessings of Caution
…be careful.
Don’t let your heart be deceived
so that you turn away from the LORD
and serve and worship other gods.
Blessings of Clinging to God
…fear the LORD your God
and worship him and cling to him….
He alone is your God,
the only one who is worthy of your praise…
Blessings of Belonging to Him
Blessings of Pleasing God
…what does the LORD your God require of you?
He requires only that you fear the LORD your God,
and live in a way that pleases him,
and love him and serve him
with all your heart and soul.
(Olive Columns at Ramat Rachel – Jerusalem. On a hill overlooking Jerusalem & Bethlehem, the Dead Sea and the Judean desert)
Blessings of the Shepherd