Blessings of Believing The Blind Man Who Sees

…So the man went and washed and came back seeing! 

His neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar 

asked each other, 

“Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?” 

The pharisees asked the man all about it. 

So he told them, 

“He put the mud over my eyes, 

and when I washed it away, 

I could see!” 

The Jewish leaders still refused 

to believe the man had been blind and could now see…


the man exclaimed. 

“I told you once. 

Didn’t you listen?” 

“He healed my eyes, 

and yet you don’t know where he comes from?” 

“Ever since the world begain, 

no one has been able to open the eys of someone born blind. 

If this man were not from God, 

he couldn’t have done it.”

John 9:8, 15, 18, 27, 30, 32-33

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