“And when you are brought to trial
in the synagogues
and before rulers and authorities,
don’t worry about how to defend yourself
or what to say,
for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time
what needs to be said.”
“And when you are brought to trial
in the synagogues
and before rulers and authorities,
don’t worry about how to defend yourself
or what to say,
for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time
what needs to be said.”
“The seed is God’s word…
And the seeds that fell on the good soil
represents honest,
good-hearted people who hear God’s word,
cling to it,
and patiently produce a huge harvest.”
(2020 garden)
The young man who had died was a widow’s only son,
and a large crowd from the village was with her.
When the Lord saw her,
his heart overflowed with compassion.
“Don’t cry!”
he said.
Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it,
and the bearers stopped.
“Young man,”
he said,
“I tell you,
get up.”
Then the dead boy sat up and began to talk!
Luke 7:12-15
Early the next morning
Jesus went out to an isolated place.
The crowds searched everywhere for him,
and when they finally found him,
they begged him not to leave them.
But he replied,
“I must preach the Good News
of the Kingdom of God in other towns,
because that is why I was sent.”
Luke 4:42-43
As the sun went down that evening,
people throughout the village
brought sick family members to Jesus.
No matter what their diseases were,
the touch of his hand healed every one.
Many were possessed by demons;
and the demons came out at his command,
“You are the Son of God!”
But because they knew he was the Messiah,
he rebuked them and refused to let them speak.
Luke 4:40-41
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that,
what’s the use of worrying over bigger things?
a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth
but not have a rich relationship
with God.”
turning to his disciples,
Jesus said,
“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—
whether you have enough food to eat
or enough clothes to wear.
For life is more than food,
and your body more than clothing.
“I tell you the truth,
everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth,
the Son of Man will also acknowledge
in the presence of God’s angels.
But anyone who denies me here on earth
will be denied before God’s angels.”
Luke 12:8-9
“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body.
When your eye is healthy,
your whole body is filled with light.
But when it is unhealthy,
your body is filled with darkness.
Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness.
If you are filled with light,
with no dark corners,
then your whole life will be radiant,
as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”
Luke 11:34-36
“You fathers—
if your children ask for a fish,
do you give them a snake instead?
Or if they ask for an egg,
do you give them a scorpion?
Of course not!
So if you sinful people
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask him.”
Luke 11:11-13