Blessings of Heeding Jesus’ Words

“Don’t let anyone mislead you,

for many will come in my name,


‘I am the Messiah,’

and saying,

‘The time has come!’

but don’t believe them.

And when you hear of wars and insurrections,

don’t panic.


these things must take place first,

but the end won’t follow immediately.”

Luke 21:8-9

(View from Harder Kulm Panorama Restaurant over Interlaken, Switzerland)

Blessings of Being Reborn

He came into the very world he created,

but the world didn’t recognize him.

He came to his own people,

and even they rejected him.

But to all who believed him and accepted him,

he gave the right to become children of God.

They are reborn—

not with a physical birth 

resulting from human passion or plan,

but a birth that comes from God.

John 1:10-13