My day-of-the-funeral gifted copy of “Streams In The Desert” is highlighted, underlined, scribbled in, and noted with multi-year’s dates. This May 7th partial entry caught my attention in 2012, 13, 15, and 16.
“…prayer not only is calling upon God but is also a battle with Satan…God uses our intercession as a mighty weapon of victory in the conflict…”
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies,
but against evil rulers and authorities
of the unseen world,
against mighty powers in this dark world,
and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
Star wars aren’t a figment of anyone’s imagination; and spiritual battles are fought with spiritual weapons.
I’ve never doubted the spiritual personage authenticity of Satan; anymore than I’ve ever doubted the spiritual personage authenticity of God. But I’ve also never ever doubted knowing Who holds total final authority over whom.
I know the power of prayer; and I know firsthand that another’s prayer can be sensed and felt. I know the presence of the Holy Spirit in the same way—an almost palpable scoop-it-up-in-my-hands sense of presence.
Maybe I’m living out my 2016 word exhilaration—loosely translated to mean that I’m pretty much past being bothered by what other people think; or maybe the oxygen’s just thinner at my newly reached altitude of red and purple.
It’s time to speak honestly about things that are real.
(Hubble telescope photo)