Blessings of the Unchanging

Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth

and made the heavens with your hands.

They will perish, but you remain forever;

they will wear out like old clothing.

You will change them like a garment

and discard them.

But you are always the same;

you will live forever.

Psalm 102:25-27


(Mt. Arbel, on the Galilee, Israel)

Blessings of Rebuilding


…your people love every stone in her walls

and cherish even the dust in her streets.

Then the nations will tremble before the LORD.

The kings of the earth will tremble before his glory.

For the LORD will rebuild Jerusalem.

He will appear in his glory.

Psalm 102: 15-17


(Western Wall excavated tunnel—Temple Mount retaining wall—ashlar stones)

Blessings of Rescue


The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me.

I will protect those who trust in my name.

When they call on me, I will answer;

I will be with them in trouble.

I will rescue and honor them.

Psalm 91:14-15



Mount of Olives as seen from the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu on the eastern slope of Mount Zion. On the church’s roof rises a golden rooster atop a black cross — recalling Christ’s prophesy that Peter would deny him three times “before the cock crows”. (Galli-cantu means cockcrow in Latin)

Blessings of the Mountains

Oh LORD God of Heaven’s Armies!

Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O LORD?

You are entirely faithful.

The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours;

everything in the world is yours—you created it all.

You created north and south.

Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon praise your name.

Psalm 89: 8,11-12


(Mount Tabor as seen from the Mount of Precipice. Located in the lower Galilee at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley. Believed to have been the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.)

Blessings of Blessings


On the holy mountain

stands the city founded by the LORD.

He loves the city of Jerusalem

more than any other city in Israel.

…And the Most High will personally bless this city.

When the LORD registers the nations, he will say,

“They have all become citizens of Jerusalem!”

Psalm 87:1-2, 5-6

